Law Society of Ontario Contingency Fee Guide

Law Society of Ontario Contingency Fee Guide

What is a contingency fee?

When you have a legal matter, you may need to hire a lawyer or a paralegal. If you think you could receive money for your matter, you may be able to pay for their services on a contingency basis. That means you only pay legal fees if you receive money because you win your case or get a negotiated settlement. If you lose your case, you do not pay legal fees, although you may have to pay for other legal expenses. Your lawyer or paralegal will usually charge a percentage of the money that you get as a contingency fee, plus HST. We work on a contingency fee basis. The fee will never be more than 33% plus HST.

Other ways of paying legal fees

Contingency fees are just one way of paying for the services of a lawyer or paralegal. Other options could include paying an hourly rate or paying a flat rate (one fixed amount) for the legal services.

Read this guide carefully before you enter into any agreement about contingency fees. The contingency fee agreement is a document that is legally required. It is a signed contract and you are bound by its terms.

This guide will help you to:

Lawyers and paralegals are required to give you this guide when you first meet with them to discuss contingency fees.

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